
June 7: 林強 (Lim Giong), Alan Turing, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Friedrich Hölderlin, E.M. Forster

Edward Morgan Forster OM CH, known as E. M. Forster, was an English novelist, short story writer, essayist and librettist.Wikipedia
BornJanuary 1, 1879, Marylebone, United Kingdom
DiedJune 7, 1970, Coventry, United Kingdom
If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country.
How can I tell what I think till I see what I say?
I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars.
“Society is invincible - to a certain degree. But your real life is your own, and nothing can touch it. There is no power on earth that can prevent your criticizing and despising mediocrity - nothing that can stop you retreating into splendour and beauty - into the thoughts and beliefs that make the real life - the real you.”
When a young English widow takes off on the grand tour and along the way marries a penniless Italian, her in-laws are not amused. That the marriage should fail and poor Lilia die tragically are only to be expected. But that Lilia should have had a baby — and that the baby should be raised as an Italian! — are matters requiring immediate correction by Philip Herriton, his dour sister Harriet, and their well-meaning friend Miss Abbott. In his first novel, E. M. Forster anticipated the themes of cultural collision and the sterility of the English middle class that he would develop in A Room with a View and A Passage to India. Where Angels Fear to Tread is an accomplished, harrowing, and malevolently funny book, in which familiar notions of vice and virtue collapse underfoot and the best intentions go mortally awry. READ an excerpt here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/where-angels-fear-to-t…/

Scottish architect, designer and artist Charles Rennie Mackintosh was born #onthisday in 1868. He and his wife Margaret were leading exponents of the Glasgow Style that grew out of The Glasgow School of Art in the 1890s. Their bold work influenced design across Europe. This effervescent watercolour was made by the couple in 1925 when they had moved to the south of France http://ow.ly/3JRS30coSMY

Charles Rennie Mackintosh - Wikipedia


Charles Rennie Mackintosh (7 June 1868 – 10 December 1928) was a Scottish architect, designer, water colourist and artist. His artistic approach had much in ...

Charles Rennie Mackintosh - Glasgow School of Art


At the very heart of this success was a talented young artist, architect and designer, Charles Rennie Mackintosh. For over 20 years Mackintosh worked almost ...

【年年有今日|生日快樂 by #林強 🤘
「I wanna wish you a happy birthday! 上帝保佑大家,阿彌陀佛」 😂
台北電影節 Taipei Film Festival 今年影展從電影元素『音樂』出發,規劃『聽見電影的心跳:林強』單元,推出六部林強配樂電影打頭陣,包括侯孝賢、賈樟柯兩位導演的作品,從1996年的《南國再見,南國》到 2015 年的《刺客聶隱娘》,勾勒電影配樂工作者林強20年來的創作脈絡。
Bonne écoute !
Guimet [Mix] 2# : J - 30


1964年6月7日 -

林强(Lim Giong,1964年6月7日-),本名林志峰,台湾歌手、演员、音乐创作人,出生于台湾彰化县彰化市。林强早年以台语摇滚乐歌曲《向前走》一曲成名,打破了台语语歌曲长期以来的悲情曲风。当红时期,也曾参演《南国再见,南国》等台湾电影。



Alan Mathison Turing OBE FRS was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher and theoretical biologist. Wikipedia
BornJune 23, 1912, Maida Vale
DiedJune 7, 1954, Wilmslow, United Kingdom
Resting placeashes scattered near Woking Crematorium
EducationPrinceton University (1936–1938), more

In today's parlance Alan Turing would probably have been called autistic. He took things very literally, was almost incapable of lying and was rather bad at understanding what other people felt or meant. But understanding numbers was another story

Alan Turing committed suicide on June 7th 1954

Friedrich Hölderlin spent half his life in a tower. Scholars call this his Tower Period. All poets should have one.

Friedrich Hölderlin, who spent half his life in a tower, died 174 years ago. Rainer Maria Rilke memorialized him in poem published in our Winter 1981 issue:

In our Winter 1981 issue, we published a series of Rilke translations by Stephen Mitchell, among which is “To Hölderlin.” An affecting eulogy, it lauds the poet as a “wandering spirit” who played with the “infinite joy” that “godlike children” had scattered “on the gentle lawns of the earth.” And it celebrates the smoldering intensity of his verse:
To you, O majestic poet, to you the compelling image,
O caster of spells, was a life, entire; when you uttered it
a line snapped shut like fate; there was a death
even in the mildest, and you walked straight into it



The White House has declared a state of emergency after a cyber attack forced the shutdown of a vital U.S. pipeline.

  F.B.I. Identifies Group Behind Pipeline Hack The attack by DarkSide, a relatively new criminal group believed to have roots in Eastern Europe, exposed the vulnerability of key U.S. infrastructure. This is how the Colonial Pipeline became a vital artery for fuel. The White House has declared a state of emergency after a cyber attack forced the shutdown of a vital U.S. pipeline.  Experts said that  gasoline prices are unlikely to be affected  if the pipeline is back to normal in the next few days. But the incident — the worst cyberattack to date on critical U.S. infrastructure — should serve as a wakeup call to companies about the vulnerabilities they face,  says The Associated Press .  【網絡安全】美國最大汽油管道被黑客攻擊 美國最大汽油和柴油管道系統的Colonial Pipeline在受到網絡攻擊後將其系統下線,令美國東部沿海主要城市加油站的成品油供應面臨威脅。Colonial Pipeline已聘請協力廠商網絡安全公司來調查並聯繫執法部門和其他聯邦機構。黑客對關鍵基礎設施的威脅一直在增長,促使白宮制訂計劃來提高公用事業及其供應商的安全性。

4月26:Marcus Aurelius, Eugène Delacroix, Ludwig Wittgenstein, I. M. Pei, Guernica

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_26 Births 121  –  Marcus Aurelius , Roman emperor (d. 180) "When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil." --from MEDITATIONS by  Marcus Aurelius Google 機械翻譯: 早上醒來時,告訴自己:今天我所處理的人將會干擾,不情願,傲慢,不誠實,嫉妒和 猥褻 ,因為他們不能善惡。 - 由馬庫斯·奧雷柳斯(Medcus)提供 黑體字翻譯錯誤 British Museum The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius was born  # onthisday  in AD 121. This ring contains a gold coin from his reign – an aureus from AD 167. Carrying an image of the emperor like this was believed to be a powerful good luck charm.  http://ow.ly/jBWP30b2Yid "Say to yourself first thing in the morning: today I shall meet people who are meddling, ungrateful, aggressive, treacherous, malicious, unsocial. All this has afflicted them through

Dec.1~4: 《一日一言》:Joseph Conrad, 植村正久;韓退之;Robert_Louis_Stevenson;Herbert_ReadRobert Louis Stevenson

“Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm. ”  ―from DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE (1886) by  Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Louis_Stevenson Robert Louis  Balfour  Stevenson  (13 November 1850 – 3 December 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer. His most famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and A Child's Garden of Verses.  Stevenson  was a literary celebrity during his lifetime, and now ranks as the 26th most translated author in the world. His works have been admired by many other writers, including Jorge Luis Borges, Bertolt Brecht, Marcel ... Dec.1~4: 《一日一言》: Joseph Conrad - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Conrad Joseph Conrad  was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest noveli