

目前顯示的是 6月 1, 2017的文章

June 1: VICTOR HUGO移靈 1885; International Children's Day

June is named after the Roman goddess Juno – the god of marriage and childbirth. Here she is seated in a chariot, with a peacock perched on her shoulder. In Greek mythology, Juno’s equivalent is Hera.  http://ow.ly/pNyu30c9aN2 Catafalque below the  Arc de Triomphe  in Paris, 1 June 1885 Definitions of  catafalque noun a decorated wooden framework supporting the coffin of a distinguished person during a funeral or while lying in state. It was 11.15 am when the bearer party, their faces strained in concentration, came into the crisp, morning sunlight having lifted the coffin from the catafalque in the great Westminster Hall where it had rested since Friday. [名詞] 1 棺台:葬礼で遺体を安置・運搬する台. 2 霊柩 れいきゅう 車. 3 カタファルク:埋葬後の鎮魂ミサの際に置かれる棺に似たもの. 語源 1641.<フランス語<イタリア語  catafalco <後期ラテン語 * catafalicum   SCAFFOLD = cata -  CATA- + fal ( a )木造の攻城塔+ -icum (- icus   -IC  の中性形) On this day in 1855, more than two million Parisians joined Victor Hugo's funeral