

目前顯示的是 1月 30, 2018的文章

Jan.30: Mohandas Gandhi

讀者或可讀讀愛因斯坦對甘地的悼文。 Mahātmā Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian activist who was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule.  Wikipedia Born :  October 2, 1869,  Porbandar, India Assassinated :  January 30, 1948,  New Delhi, India Children :  Harilal Gandhi ,  Devdas Gandhi ,  Ramdas Gandhi ,  Manilal Gandhi Parents :  Karamchand Gandhi ,  Putlibai Gandhi Quotes Where there is love there is life. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. Mahatma Gandhi  was assassinated in New Delhi, India on this day in 1948 (aged 78). "Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err. It passes my comprehension how human beings, be they ever so experienced and able, can delight in depriving other human beings

Jan. 31:

李筱峰 新增了  2 張相片 。 《燦爛的星辰》停刊聲明 我這個專欄推出至今屆滿一個月,這一個月來我發現讀者很少,反應極為冷淡。我訪問過許多位親友及學生,大多不感興趣。甚至,連原本向我預約準備在年底集結成書出版的出版社總編輯,看了我這個月的「試寫」之後,也建議我停筆。如果讀者冷淡無興趣,而我又必須每天費時去溫習、爬梳龐雜資料才下筆,這對於癌術後的我,確實是無意義的負擔,而且也浪費民報珍貴的篇幅。因此我決定見「壞」就收,從今天起結束《燦爛的星辰》這個專欄。 今天的壽星舒伯特,有著名的「未完成交響曲」,是我喜愛的音樂。然而我這個「未完成」的專欄,卻是情非得已。 感謝民報這個月來容許我自由揮灑;也感謝這個月來每天看《燦爛的星辰》的少數讀友,當然也要請你們包涵體諒!