

目前顯示的是 9月 11, 2017的文章

Sep. 12: 曹永和 ;Lascaux,《最終解決德國問題條約》/“2+4”條約

聚珍臺灣 9月12日 20:00  ·  9月12日,是歷史學者曹永和的逝世紀念日(1920~2014/9/12) 1947年二二八事件後,臺北實施戒嚴,二十七歲的曹永和走入有軍警駐守的臺灣大學,前往圖書館報到,成為一位館員。爾後,這位毫無史學訓練的年輕人,就在圖書館的一個小角落,慢慢耕耘出他的學術天地,並意外成為臺灣早期歷史研究承先啟後的先行者。 曹永和憑藉 著辛勤的自學,閱讀臺北帝大圖書館的龐大書籍,並通曉十多種語言。 五年後寫出戰後臺灣人的第一篇長篇臺灣史學論文〈近世臺灣鹿皮貿易考〉。這份手稿是曹永和學術生涯的起點,雖因故未能及時發表,但六十年後,由中央研究院臺灣史研究所研究人員協助重編、補校,以新的面貌出版為《近世臺灣鹿皮貿易考:青年曹永和的學術啟航》。 他最大的貢獻,是率先提出「臺灣島史觀」-「以時間為座標,以生息於臺灣的人民為主體。從史前時代一直到現代,不同的族群在不同的時期來到臺灣,他們在臺灣所創造的歷史都是臺灣史。」 因此曹永和的臺灣史,不是漢人的史觀,不屬於「中國五千年史」,也不屬於「臺灣四百年史」,而是包括「史前時代」一直到現代的完整臺灣史,在時間的座標上,至少涵蓋六千年的臺灣史。 # 在臺灣這塊土地發生的就是臺灣史 # 認同這塊土地的就是臺灣人 # 自己的節日自己紀念 # 9月12日曹永和紀念日 曹永和老師作品書單: 《近世臺灣鹿皮貿易考:青年曹永和的學術啟航》 露天: https://gjtaiwan.com/rt/?id=323 聚珍: https://www.gjtaiwan.com/p/317 《臺灣早期歷史研究》 露天: https://gjtaiwan.com/rt/?id=321 聚珍: https://www.gjtaiwan.com/p/2625 《臺灣早期歷史研究續集》 露天: https://gjtaiwan.com/rt/?id=322 聚珍: https://www.gjtaiwan.com/p/2627 參考資料: 想想論壇http://www.thinkingtaiwan.com/content/3274 Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany Treat

Sep. 11:D H Lawrence;NYC - One World Trade Center ;加泰羅尼亞人上街"鬧分手"

David Herbert Lawrence was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter. His collected works represent, among other things, an extended reflection upon the dehumanising effects of modernity and industrialisation.  Wikipedia Born :  September 11, 1885,  Eastwood, United Kingdom Died :  March 2, 1930,  Vence, France Short stories :  The Rocking-Horse Winner ,  MORE Plays :  The Daughter-in-Law ,  The Widowing of Mrs Holroyd Quotes I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot. Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, and must be plucked where it is found, and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration. The London Library . # DHLawrenc

Sep.10 Mary Wollstonecraft

Mary Wollstonecraft was an English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women's rights. During her brief career, she wrote novels, treatises, a travel narrative, a history of the French Revolution, a conduct book, and a children's book.  Wikipedia Born :  April 27, 1759,  Spitalfields Died :  September 10, 1797,  Somers Town, London, United Kingdom Nationality :  British Spouse :  William Godwin  (m. 1797–1797) Quotes No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks. I do not wish them [women] to have power over men; but over themselves. Taught from infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison. Oxford World's Classics # OnThisDay  in 1797 Mary Wollstonecraft passed away in England. She had given birth on August 30, 1797 to a daughter, christened Ma