

目前顯示的是 6月 5, 2017的文章

June 5:William Krisel, 蒲松齡

蒲松齡(1640年-1715年,明崇禎十三年-清康熙五十四年),字留仙,一字劍臣,別號柳泉居士,山東淄川縣(今淄博市淄川區)人(族裔有爭議)。世稱「聊齋先生」 著作 [ 編輯 ] 聊齋志異 醒世姻緣傳 晴雲山房詩文集 紅椒山房筆記 雜說 片雲詩話 省身錄 懷刑錄 日用俗字 歷字文 聊齋詞 聊齋白話韻文 山市 聊齋俚曲  按蒲松齡墓碑原載為14種,其中《富貴神仙》後變《磨難曲》作為一種計算,實際上應作兩種,共15種。當年路大荒在整理《聊齋俚曲集》時未收入《琴瑟樂》一種。聊齋俚曲所用的曲牌有耍孩兒、銀紐絲、疊斷橋、呀呀油、劈破玉、跌落金錢、倒板漿、房四娘、皂羅袍、黃鶯兒等45個。 注釋 [ 編輯 ] 移至 ^ Pu Songling was a Qing Dynasty Chinese writer, best known as the author of Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio.  Wikipedia Born :  June 5, 1640,  Zibo, China Died :  February 25, 1715,  Zibo, China Today is the 377th birthday of Qing Dynasty writer  Pu Songling , author of STRANGE TALES FROM A CHINESE STUDIO ( prh.com/books/299446 ). A schoolteacher by profession, Pu and his work did not become widely known until well after his death in 1715. STRANGE TALES FROM A CHINESE STUDIO abounds with stories of the supernatural—demons, animal spirits, couplings between humans and magical creatures. Some are tragic, some humorous, some w

June 6th :Thomas Mann, Robert "Bobby" Kennedy, Carl Jung, Alexander Pushkin

Paul Thomas Mann was a German novelist, short story writer, social critic, philanthropist, essayist, and the 1929 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate. Wikipedia Born :  June 6, 1875,  Free City of Lübeck Died :  August 12, 1955,  Zürich, Switzerland Everyman's Library 12小時  ·  Paul Thomas Mann was born in Lübeck, German Empire on this day in 1875. In 1929 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. "Writing well was almost the same  as thinking well, and thinking well was the next thing to acting well. All moral discipline, all moral perfection derived from the soul of literature, from the soul of human dignity, which was the moving spirit of both humanity and politics. Yes, they were all one, one and the same force, one and the same idea, and all of them could be comprehended in one single word... The word was — civilization!" —from THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN by  Thomas Mann With rich novel of ideas, Thomas Mann rose to the front