

目前顯示的是 8月, 2017的文章

Aug. 31: 蔡英文;Princess Diana (1961-97), Ilya Ehrenburg

Tsai Ing-wen is the President of the Republic of China, commonly known as Taiwan. Tsai is the second president from the Democratic Progressive Party. Tsai is also the first woman elected to the office. Wikipedia Born :  August 31, 1956 (age 61),  Zhongshan District, Taipei Nationality :  Taiwanese Party :  Democratic Progressive Party Presidential term :  May 20, 2016 – Education :  London School of Economics and Political Science  (1984),  MORE 日本熱賣蔡英文著作,為什麼? 前原志保  [作者簡介] 現今的日本,正興起一股廣義的臺灣主題書籍熱潮。每天都有各式各樣的雜誌推出臺灣特輯,在大型書店的旅遊書區,臺灣旅遊的相關書籍占據了較寬大的空間。 在此背景下,日本的出版社分別在2016年5月20日臺灣總統就職典禮當日出版《蔡英文 新時代の台湾へ》(白水社,2016年)[原書《英派 點亮臺灣的這一哩路》(圓神,2015年)]以及2017年1月的《蔡英文自伝:台湾初の女性総統が歩んだ道》(白水社,2017年)[原書《洋蔥炒蛋到小英便當――蔡英文的人生滋味》(圓神,2011年)]兩本蔡英文的著作,但是發行順序和臺灣顛倒。關於這兩本著作,以下以《英派》和《洋蔥炒蛋到小英便當》稱之。 除了蔡英文本身寫的這兩本書,黃文雄的兩本日文著作 (※1) ,及丸山勝翻譯張瀞文的《蔡英文:從談判桌到總統府》(商業周刊;2015) (※2) ,也在短期間內相繼出版。若回顧過去在日本出版的歷代臺灣總統的書籍來看,李登輝的著作特殊,在此暫且不論,陳水扁的書有兩本,而馬英九連一本也沒有,這次有關蔡英文的書籍卻大量出版,是相當特殊的現象。 《英派

Aug. 30:Mary Shelley, Capability Brown, Sumiteru Taniguchi (谷口 稜曄)

Sumiteru Taniguchi, Nagasaki Survivor and Nuclear Arms Foe, Dies at 88 Painfully wounded in the atomic bombing when he was 16, he went on to become a prominent campaigner for the abolition of nuclear weapons. 14h ago By MOTOKO RICH Wikipedia Sumiteru Taniguchi  ( 谷口 稜曄   Taniguchi Sumiteru , 26 January 1929 – 30 August 2017) was a  survivor  of the 1945  atomic bombing of Nagasaki  and a prominent activist for a treaty prohibiting  nuclear weapons , and chairman of the Nagasaki Council of A-Bomb Sufferers. Contents    [ hide ]  1 Atomic bombing of Nagasaki 2 Recovery 3 Activism 4 Death 5 References Capability Brown - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capability_Brown Lancelot  Brown  (born c. 1715–16, baptised 30 August 1716 – 6 February 1783), more commonly known with the byname  Capability Brown , was an English landscape architect. He is remembered as "the last of the great English 18th century artists to be accorded