

目前顯示的是 4月 22, 2017的文章

April 23: 莎士比亞,J M W Turner. St George's Day

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_23 1732年 : 台灣 發生以 吳福生 為首的 民變 。 1910年 : 汪精衛 等謀刺 清朝 攝政王 載灃 未遂被捕。 2003年 : 北京 由於 SARS疫情 而關閉所有學校兩周。 2005年 :第一部 YouTube 影片 上傳,標題為「 我在動物園 」(Me at the zoo)。 出生 1564年 : 莎士比亞 ,英國劇作家。( 1616年 逝世) Shakespeare was (supposedly) born  # onthisday  in 1564, and died #onthisday in 1616. One of the most influential writers in the history of the English language – or any language – Shakespeare’s works are still celebrated today. This engraving was made by Martin Droeshout for the First Folio, published in 1623. It’s one of only two portraits of Shakespeare that can lay a claim to authenticity, even though it’s a crude likeness completed by a young artist.  http://ow.ly/2mnP30aZkW5 Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116 is engraved on this bracelet, available from our online shop:  http://ow.ly/tHJQ30b3cOz 1794年 : 魏源 , 中國 思想家、文學家。( 1856年 逝世) 1823年 : 阿卜杜勒-邁吉德一世 , 奧斯曼帝國 蘇丹。( 1861年 逝世) 1858年 : 普朗克 , 德國 物理學家。( 1947年 逝世)

4月22: Immanuel Kant. Henry Fielding,Vladimir Nabokov.Miguel de Cervantes.Vladimir Lenin,Hubert Dreyfus (1929-2017) , 李季準

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_22 1707  –  Henry Fielding , English novelist and playwright (d. 1754) Henry Fielding  was born in Sharpham, Somerset, England on this day in 1707. “It is much easier to make good men wise, than to make bad men good.” ―from TOM JONES 我相信使好人變得謹慎比壞人變好容易得多。 --獻給 棄兒湯姆瓊斯的歷史    蕭乾 李從弼合譯 , 北京:人民文學,1984;   蕭乾1992寫"前言" "Thwackum was for doing justice, and leaving mercy to heaven." --from THE HISTORY OF TOM JONES, A FOUNDLING (1749) One of the first and most influential of English novels, Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones—published in 1749—is blessed with a lively and endearing hero at the center of one of the most ingeniously constructed comic plots in fiction. Tom Jones, a foundling brought up in the household of the benevolent Squire Allworthy, falls in love with the beautiful heiress Sophia Western, whose father forbids them to marry on grounds of Tom’s low birth. Tom is a lusty, high-spirited yet good-hearted soul