
4月18日:George Henry Lewes (1817-1878) : Clarence Darrow (1857-1938)舌辯大師丹諾;Samuel Huntington


For all his long career and prodigious energy he will always be associated with the phrase “the clash of civilisations”. How well does his argument hold up 24 years after he first penned it?

The author of "The Clash of Civilisations?" was born on April 18th 1972

Samuel P. Huntington - Wikipedia


Samuel Phillips Huntington (April 18, 1927 – December 24, 2008) was an American political scientist, adviser and academic. He spent more than half a century ..

As a consultant to the U.S. Department of State, and in an influential 1968 article in Foreign Affairs, he advocated the concentration of the rural population of South Vietnam, via a strategy of carpet-bombing and defoliating the rural lands and jungles of Vietnam, as a means of isolating the Viet Cong.
If the “direct application of mechanical and conventional power” takes place on such a massive scale as to produce a massive migration from countryside to city, the basic assumptions underlying the Maoist doctrine of revolutionary war no longer operate. The Maoist-inspired rural revolution is undercut by the American-sponsored urban revolution.
— Foreign Affairs, Vol. 46, No. 4 (Jul., 1968), p. 650
In an absent-minded way the United States in Viet Nam may well have stumbled upon the answer to "wars of national liberation." The effective response lies neither in the quest for conventional military victory nor in the esoteric doctrines and gimmicks of counter-insurgency warfare. It is instead forced draft urbanization and modernization which rapidly brings the country in question out of the phase in which a rural revolutionary movement can hope to generate sufficient strength to come to power.
— Foreign Affairs, Vol. 46, No. 4 (Jul., 1968), p. 652
    Huntington wrote that Ukraine might divide along the cultural line between the more Catholic western Ukraine and Orthodox eastern Ukraine:
While a statist approach highlights the possibility of a Russian-Ukrainian war, a civilizational approach minimizes that and instead highlights the possibility of Ukraine splitting in half, a separation which cultural factors would lead one to predict might be more violent than that of Czechoslovakia but far less bloody than that of Yugoslavia.[17]

  • 《士兵與國家:軍民關係的理論與政治》(The Soldier and the State:The Theory and Politics of Civil Military Relations)(1957)
  • 《變化社會中的政治秩序》(1968)
  • 《第三波:20世紀後期民主化浪潮》
  • 《文明的衝突與世界秩序的重建》 (1996)
  • 《我們是誰:對美國國家認同的挑戰》(Who Are We : The Challenges to America’s National Identity) (2004)

果不是“時間簡史”(A Brief History of Time)這個詞已經被人用作書籍標題的話,它或許可以用來描述法蘭西斯•福山(Francis Fukuyama)最新作品《政治秩序與政治衰敗》(Political Order and Political Decay)及其前篇《政治秩序的起源》(The Origins of Political Order)。這兩本書橫跨了很漫長的有記錄歷史(以及有記錄之前的歷史),挖掘了一些有關“社會組織起來的基礎規則”的教訓,福山希望以此為其導師塞繆爾•亨廷頓(Samuel Huntington)在1968年出版的政治社會學經典著作《變化社會中的政治秩序》(Political Order in Changing Societies)提供補充。


Clarence Darrow
Clarence Darrow.jpg
Clarence Seward Darrow ca. 1922
BornApril 18, 1857
Kinsman, Ohio
DiedMarch 13, 1938 (aged 80)
Chicago, Illinois
Cause of deathPulmonary heart disease[1]
Alma materAllegheny College
University of Michigan
Clarence Seward Darrow was an U.S. lawyer, leading member of the American Civil Liberties Union, and prominent advocate for Georgist economic reform. Wikipedia
SpouseRuby Hammerstrom (m. 1904–1938), Jessie Ohl (m. 1880–1897)

When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President. Now I'm beginning to believe it.
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with a lot of pleasure.我沒殺過人,不過讀許多人的訃聞時深感大快人心。
You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free.



Clarence Darrow for the Defense;勸他讀讀 Clarence Darrow "The story of my life " 第42-44章;中共統治如黑社會化;

Chase after the truth like all hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never touch its coat tails. 
Clarence Darrow
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/clarenceda154034.html

中國的維權律師——被“失踪”、逮捕、請喝茶: 黑社會化的公權力必將自我膨脹,禍及全球---長平觀察。...


回憶錄『我的光榮與信仰』"The story of my life " ,以及歐文斯通的巨著『舌辯大師丹諾辯護實錄』Irving Stone, Clarence Darrow for the Defense (New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1941),

1939年5月12日 Bishop Roots 來吃飯。 此老真可厭, 我勸他讀讀 Clarence Darrow "The story of my life " 第42-44章
第42章: 新的習慣
43 沒有答案的問題
44 來生? 靈魂不朽?

Clarence Darrow-- The story of my life

The story of my life - Google 圖書結果

Clarence Darrow - 1996 - History - 495 頁
In The Story of My Life he recounts, and reflects on, his more than fifty years as a corporate, labor, and criminal lawyer, including the most celebrated and ...

The story of my life -丹諾自傳 Clarence Darrow 說明
現在2010 ,令有商周文化的譯本。


George Henry Lewes (喬治·亨利·劉易斯)是英國19世紀的名家,著作等身。Wikipedia 中他的條目,目前以歐語系為主。
(當然,他的伴侶George Eliot (筆名)的小說,還風行於世,Middlemarch (1871–72)更被BBC評為最重要的英語小說。)

George Henry Lewes/Quotes

Science is the systematic classification of experience.
The only cure for grief is action.
Insincerity is always weakness; sincerity even in error is strength.
We must never assume that which is incapable of proof.
Many a genius has been slow of growth. Oaks that flourish for a thousand years do not spring up into beauty like a reed.
Philosophy and Art both render the invisible visible by imagination.
The delusions of self-love cannot be prevented, but intellectual misconceptions as to the means of achieving success may be corrected.
Murder, like talent, seems occasionally to run in families.
Personal experience is the basis of all real Literature.
Science is not addressed to poets.







 自愛的妄想不能被阻止,但智力誤解為取得成功的手段進行修正。 謀殺,像人才,偶爾似乎運行在家庭。 個人的經驗是所有真正的文學的基礎。 科學不是寫給詩人。

George Henry Lewes的出版品中,現在再版的,還不少呢:


  • The Biographical History of Philosophy (1846). Adamant Media 2002: ISBN 0-543-96985-1
  • The Spanish Drama (1846)
  • Ranthorpe (1847). Adamant Media 2005: ISBN 1-4021-7564-7
  • Rose, Blanche and Violet (1848)
  • Robespierre (1849)
  • Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences (1853). Adamant Media 2000: ISBN 1-4021-9950-3
  • Life of Goethe (1855). Adamant Media 2000: ISBN 0-543-93077-7
  • Seaside Studies (1858)
  • Physiology of Common Life (1859)
  • Studies in Animal Life (1862)
  • Aristotle, A Chapter from the History of Science (1864). Adamant Media 2001: ISBN 0-543-81753-9
  • Actors and Acting (1875)
  • The Problems of Life and Mind (five volumes)
    • First Series: The Foundations of a Creed, Volume 1 (1875). Kessinger Publishing 2004: ISBN 1-4179-2555-8
    • First Series: The Foundations of a Creed, Volume 2 (1875). University of Michigan Library: ISBN 1-4255-5578-0
    • Second Series: The Physical Basis of Mind (1877)
    • Third Series, Volume 1: The Study of Psychology: Its Object, Scope, and Method (1879)
    • Third Series, Volume 2 (1879)
  • New Quarterly (London, October 1879)
  • J. W. Cross, George Eliot's Life as Related in her Letters and Journals (three volumes, New York, 1885)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Henry Lewes
PSM V09 D668 George Henry Lewes.jpg
Born18 April 1817
London, England
Died30 November 1878 (aged 61)
London, England
OccupationPhilosopher, literary, theatre critic
PartnerGeorge Eliot (1819–1880;)
George Henry Lewes (Listeni/ˈlɪs/; 18 April 1817 – 30 November 1878) was an English philosopher and critic of literature and theatre. He became part of the mid-Victorian ferment of ideas which encouraged discussion of Darwinismpositivism, and religious skepticism. However, he is perhaps best known today for having openly lived with Mary Ann Evans, who wrote under the pen-name George Eliot, as soulmates whose life and writings were enriched by their relationship, despite never marrying.



Sep. 27: Hugh Hefner ; Zuzana Ruzickova; George Cruikshank; GOOGLE; 香港雨傘運動2014;

Zuzana Růžičková In Memoriam (14. 01.1927 - 27. 09.2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXVG1CWNE0M Zuzana Ruzickova harpsichordist and Holocaust survivor, dies Ruzickova survived persecution from the Nazis and Soviet communists before becoming one of the world's most acclaimed harpsichordists. She died in a Prague hospital after battling a short illness. Zuzana Ruzickova suffered decades of persecution on her journey to becoming an award-winning musician and world-famous harpsichordist. "She was a woman with incredibly tough experiences and traumas suffered during the Holocaust," music journalist Petr Veber told the Czech CTK news agency. "Fortunately, she survived and she was able to get over it." Born on January 14, 1927, Ruzickova was expelled from school for being Jewish shortly after Nazi Germany's occupation of Czechoslovakia at the beginning of the Second World War. In 1942, she and her family were interned at the Czech conc...

Sep. 24:Euripides, Horace Walpole, Pablo Neruda

Horatio Walpole, 4th Earl of Orford, also known as Horace Walpole, was an English art historian, man of letters, antiquarian and Whig politician. Wikipedia Born :  September 24, 1717,  London, United Kingdom Died :  March 2, 1797,  Berkeley Square, London, United Kingdom Movies :  Castle of Otranto Parents :  Robert Walpole ,  Catherine, Lady Walpole Quotes The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think. The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well. Justice is rather the activity of truth, than a virtue in itself. Truth tells us what is due to others, and justice renders that due. Injustice is acting a lie. To mark the tercentenary of the birth of Horace Walpole (1717–1797), English author, antiquarian, collector, and politician, the Lewis Walpole Library is sponsoring programs throughout the year to ...