Maverick mathematician and computing visionary.
Jean-Antoine Watteau, better known as Antoine Watteau, was a French painter whose brief career spurred the revival of interest in colour and movement, as seen in the tradition of Correggio and Rubens.Wikipedia
Born: October 10, 1684, Valenciennes, France
Died: July 18, 1721, Nogent-sur-Marne, France
Watteau was one of the most influential French painters of the early 18th century. He painted numerous scenes with Commedia dell'Arte characters and also invented a type of painting known as the Fête Galante. Find ‘The Scale of Love’ on display in Room 33:
林语堂- 维基百科,自由的百科全书林语堂
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林语堂(1895年10月10日-1976年3月26日),中國文學家、發明家。福建漳州龙溪人,生於漳州市平和县坂仔镇,乳名和乐,名玉堂,后改为语堂,聖約翰大學英文 ...Translate this page
林語堂 | |
![]() | |
本名 | 林玉堂 |
性別 | 男 |
出生 | 1895年10月10日 |
林秋梧- 维基百科,自由的百科全书林秋梧
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林秋梧(1903年8月15日-1934年10月10日),臺南人,生於臺南市,俗姓林,本名不詳,法號證峰,是台灣在日治時期參加文化運動與抗日運動的的台灣佛教僧侶。Translate this page
Daidō Moriyama (森山 大道 Moriyama Daidō[1], born October 10, 1938) is a Japanese photographer noted for his images depicting the breakdown of traditional values in post-war Japan.
Moriyama received the Infinity Award for Lifetime Achievement from the International Center of Photography in New York.[2]
Daidō Moriyama is a Japanese photographer noted for his images depicting the breakdown of traditional values in post-war Japan. Moriyama received the Infinity Award for Lifetime Achievement from the International Center of Photography in New York. Wikipedia
Born: October 10, 1938 (age 78), Ikeda, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Daidō Moriyama is famous for his black-and-white images of the underbelly of Japanese society. His colour photographs are less well known, but just as captivating. From The Economist’s 1843 magazine
George Barbier was one of the great French illustrators of the early 20th century. Born in Nantes, France on 16 October 1882, Barbier was 29 years old when he mounted his first exhibition in 1911 and ... Wikipedia
Born: October 10, 1882, Nantes, France
Died: March 16, 1932, Paris, France