
July 6: 王大閎;WilliamFaulkner; John Lennon and Paul McCartney's first meeting;The 14th Dalai Lama, Frida Kahlo de Rivera

William Cuthbert Faulkner was an American writer and Nobel Prize laureate from Oxford, Mississippi. Faulkner wrote novels, short stories, a play, poetry, essays, and screenplays. Wikipedia

Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.
I believe that man will not merely endure; he will prevail.
The past is not dead. In fact, it's not even past.

"Poets are almost always wrongabout facts. That's because they are not really interested in facts: only in truth...The poets are wrong of course. … But then poets are almost always wrong about facts. That's because they are not really interested in facts: only in truth: which is why the truth they speak is so true that even those who hate poets by simple and natural instinct are exalted and terrified by it."
--from THE TOWN (1957) by William Faulkner

“Some things you must always be unable to bear. Some things you must never stop refusing to bear. Injustice and outrage and dishonor and shame. No matter how young you are or how old you have got. Not for kudos and not for cash: your picture in the paper nor money in the bank either. Just refuse to bear them.” 
―from INTRUDER IN THE DUST by William Faulkner



She was often referred to as “Mrs Rivera”, but Kahlo didn't lack pluck. Asked whether she too was a painter, she exclaimed, “Yes, the greatest in the world”

Frida Kahlo, born on this day in 1907, decorated her corsets with drawings of tigers, monkeys, and plumed birds.

Frida Kahlo wore plaster corsets for most of her life because her spine was too weak to support itself. She painted them, naturally, covering them with pasted scraps of fabric and drawings of tigers, monkeys, plumed birds, a blood-red hammer and sickle, and streetcars like the one whose handrail ram...

Frida Kahlo de Rivera was a Mexican painter, who mostly painted self-portraits. Inspired by Mexican popular culture, she employed a naïve folk art style to explore questions of identity, postcolonialism, gender, class, and race in Mexican society.Wikipedia
BornJuly 6, 1907, Coyoacán, Mexico
DiedJuly 13, 1954, Coyoacán, Mexico
SpouseDiego Rivera (m. 1940–1954), Diego Rivera (m. 1929–1939)

I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best.
I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned how to swim, and now I am overwhelmed by this decent and good feeling.
Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?


The 14th Dalai Lama is the current Dalai Lama. Dalai Lamas are important monks of the Gelug school, the newest school of Tibetan Buddhism which is nominally headed by the Ganden Tripas. Wikipedia
BornJuly 6, 1935 (age 82), Taktser, China
Full nameLhamo Dondrub

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.

7月:"Everyone has the right to achieve a happy life." — the world's most adorable leader, the Dalai Lama, turns 80 today

NPR Morning EditionNPR 都分享了 1 條連結

60 Years Ago, 2 Boys Met And The Beatles Began
On the anniversary of John Lennon and Paul McCartney's first meeting, revisit the church garden party that changed the course of popular music forever.


NPR Morning Edition

Paul wore a white sportscoat with a pink carnation. John played a cheap guitar. They would eventually combine for 200 songs valued at almost a billion dollars.



The White House has declared a state of emergency after a cyber attack forced the shutdown of a vital U.S. pipeline.

  F.B.I. Identifies Group Behind Pipeline Hack The attack by DarkSide, a relatively new criminal group believed to have roots in Eastern Europe, exposed the vulnerability of key U.S. infrastructure. This is how the Colonial Pipeline became a vital artery for fuel. The White House has declared a state of emergency after a cyber attack forced the shutdown of a vital U.S. pipeline.  Experts said that  gasoline prices are unlikely to be affected  if the pipeline is back to normal in the next few days. But the incident — the worst cyberattack to date on critical U.S. infrastructure — should serve as a wakeup call to companies about the vulnerabilities they face,  says The Associated Press .  【網絡安全】美國最大汽油管道被黑客攻擊 美國最大汽油和柴油管道系統的Colonial Pipeline在受到網絡攻擊後將其系統下線,令美國東部沿海主要城市加油站的成品油供應面臨威脅。Colonial Pipeline已聘請協力廠商網絡安全公司來調查並聯繫執法部門和其他聯邦機構。黑客對關鍵基礎設施的威脅一直在增長,促使白宮制訂計劃來提高公用事業及其供應商的安全性。

4月26:Marcus Aurelius, Eugène Delacroix, Ludwig Wittgenstein, I. M. Pei, Guernica

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_26 Births 121  –  Marcus Aurelius , Roman emperor (d. 180) "When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil." --from MEDITATIONS by  Marcus Aurelius Google 機械翻譯: 早上醒來時,告訴自己:今天我所處理的人將會干擾,不情願,傲慢,不誠實,嫉妒和 猥褻 ,因為他們不能善惡。 - 由馬庫斯·奧雷柳斯(Medcus)提供 黑體字翻譯錯誤 British Museum The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius was born  # onthisday  in AD 121. This ring contains a gold coin from his reign – an aureus from AD 167. Carrying an image of the emperor like this was believed to be a powerful good luck charm.  http://ow.ly/jBWP30b2Yid "Say to yourself first thing in the morning: today I shall meet people who are meddling, ungrateful, aggressive, treacherous, malicious, unsocial. All this has afflicted them through

Dec.1~4: 《一日一言》:Joseph Conrad, 植村正久;韓退之;Robert_Louis_Stevenson;Herbert_ReadRobert Louis Stevenson

“Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm. ”  ―from DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE (1886) by  Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Louis_Stevenson Robert Louis  Balfour  Stevenson  (13 November 1850 – 3 December 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer. His most famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and A Child's Garden of Verses.  Stevenson  was a literary celebrity during his lifetime, and now ranks as the 26th most translated author in the world. His works have been admired by many other writers, including Jorge Luis Borges, Bertolt Brecht, Marcel ... Dec.1~4: 《一日一言》: Joseph Conrad - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Conrad Joseph Conrad  was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest noveli