4月21 : Max Weber, Charlotte Brontë, Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom... British National Tea Day 2017
BBC: On This Day
Charlotte Brontë

Happy National Tea Day! Here's how to get a free cuppa to celebrate EVERY DAY
Mirror.co.uk · 1 hour ago

With National Tea Day happening tomorrow, this is how to make the PERFECT cup of tea
The Sun · 7 hours ago

It's National Tea Day! Here's why tea is MUCH better than coffee
Mirror.co.uk · 1 hour ago
More for national tea day
National Tea Day
We're loving Andrew & the team at @TEARex! Come & see them for some seriously #rawr-ing delish,healthy&refreshing hot tea! #nationalteaday pic.twitter.com/TWACU6R…
38 mins ago · Twitter
Happy National Tea Day 2017! Here's how to get a free cuppa EVERY ...
www.mirror.co.uk › Money › Tea2 hours ago - Today is National Tea Day, a celebration of Britain's favourite morning - and afternoon, ritual. And with the average Brit consuming a huge ...
British National Tea Day - Wikipedia
British National Tea Day takes place every year in the UK on 21 April. It has been founded as a community movement of tea houses and lovers to promote tea in ...
More brie, vicar? Why cheese is the best accompaniment for a cup of tea
www.telegraph.co.uk › Lifestyle › Food and drink › Food and drink news
India Sturgis pairs tea and cheese with master blender, Rishi Deb Credit: Jeff .... Twinings are offering 3 for 2 teas on National Tea Day with the ...
National Tea Day 2017: British teas ranked from worst to best | Metro ...
metro.co.uk › Food › Food
It's National Tea Day, which is obviously a very serious and important day, not least because we have to argue about which biscuit is the perfect ...
When is National Tea Day and how do you make the perfect cup of tea ...
https://www.thesun.co.uk/living/3372357/national-tea-day-perfect-cup/8 hours ago - National Tea Day is the perfect excuse to put on a brew and savour its delights – and it's TODAY. National Tea Day lets brew-lovers celebrate ...
BBC: On This Day
Charlotte Brontë
Born: April 21, 1816, Thornton, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Died: March 31, 1855, Haworth, United Kingdom
I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will.
Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity, or registering wrongs.
It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquillity: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.
‘I sat a long time by the window, looking out over the silent grounds and silvered fields, and waiting for I know not what’ – Jane Eyre
Author Charlotte Brontë was born #onthisday in 1814. Published in 1847 under the pen name ‘Currer Bell’, the novel is Brontë’s best-known work. This image shows Jane at a window in Lowood School – one of the many parts of the book that have parallels with Brontë’s own life. The print was made by Ethel Gabain in 1922: http://ow.ly/Wjlq30b1ea5
Legend has it that Romulus founded Rome #onthisday in 753 BC. Romans celebrated the founding of their city on 21 April every year in a festival called Parilia. This coin shows part of the legend – Romulus and his twin brother Remus suckling a wolf. http://ow.ly/dnEN30aZc4n
Traditionally, this day - April 21, BCE 753 - is given as the foundation date of Rome. Various legends are associated with the great city's founding, the most familiar of which is that of the twin brothers Romulus and Remus. Abandoned on the Tiber, the brothers were suckled by a she-wolf - the sculpture on this edition of Livy's EARLY HISTORY OF ROME, a much later production, depicts her - and, as young adults, set out to plan their city together.
After some disagreements, Romulus killed Remus and did the Rome thing on his own. (This is a heavily simplified synopsis. Read Livy for the full story - or at least one version of it.)
- 1926 – Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom
British Museum
Happy birthday to Queen Elizabeth II, who is 89 today! Here’s a photo of her visiting the Museum in 1957
- 1910 – Mark Twain, American novelist, humorist, and critic (b. 1835)
Samuel Langhorne Clemens died in Redding, Connecticut, on this day in 1910 (aged 74).
"Adam, at Eve's grave: Wheresoever she was, THERE was Eden."
--from "Eve's Diary" by Mark Twain
--from "Eve's Diary" by Mark Twain
These sixty satirical, rollicking, uproarious tales by the greatest yarn-spinner in our literary history are as fresh and vivid as ever more than a century after their author’s death.
Mark Twain’s famous novels Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn have long been hailed as major achievements, but the father of American literature also made his mark as a master of the humorous short story. All the tales he wrote over the course of his lengthy career are gathered here, including such immortal classics as “The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,” “The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg,” “The Diary of Adam and Eve,” and “The $30,000 Bequest.” Twain’s inimitable wit, his nimble plotting, and his unerring insight into human nature are on full display in these wonderfully entertaining stories. READ more here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/the-complete-short-sto…/
Mark Twain’s famous novels Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn have long been hailed as major achievements, but the father of American literature also made his mark as a master of the humorous short story. All the tales he wrote over the course of his lengthy career are gathered here, including such immortal classics as “The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,” “The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg,” “The Diary of Adam and Eve,” and “The $30,000 Bequest.” Twain’s inimitable wit, his nimble plotting, and his unerring insight into human nature are on full display in these wonderfully entertaining stories. READ more here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/the-complete-short-sto…/
National Tea Day 2017 - 21st April 2017
NTD is all about tea, community and fun. It is an opportunity for you to try new blends which you wouldn't otherwise. Use #nationalteaday on social media.
'Some Considerations on Afternoon Tea-Drinking, and the Many Subsequent Evils Attending It'
We best put the kettle on for this one… http://bit.ly/2oRakho
Happy National Tea Day! Here's how to get a free cuppa to celebrate EVERY DAY
Mirror.co.uk · 1 hour ago
With National Tea Day happening tomorrow, this is how to make the PERFECT cup of tea
The Sun · 7 hours ago
It's National Tea Day! Here's why tea is MUCH better than coffee
Mirror.co.uk · 1 hour ago
More for national tea day
National Tea Day
We're loving Andrew & the team at @TEARex! Come & see them for some seriously #rawr-ing delish,healthy&refreshing hot tea! #nationalteaday pic.twitter.com/TWACU6R…
38 mins ago · Twitter
Happy National Tea Day 2017! Here's how to get a free cuppa EVERY ...
www.mirror.co.uk › Money › Tea2 hours ago - Today is National Tea Day, a celebration of Britain's favourite morning - and afternoon, ritual. And with the average Brit consuming a huge ...
British National Tea Day - Wikipedia
British National Tea Day takes place every year in the UK on 21 April. It has been founded as a community movement of tea houses and lovers to promote tea in ...
More brie, vicar? Why cheese is the best accompaniment for a cup of tea
www.telegraph.co.uk › Lifestyle › Food and drink › Food and drink news
India Sturgis pairs tea and cheese with master blender, Rishi Deb Credit: Jeff .... Twinings are offering 3 for 2 teas on National Tea Day with the ...
National Tea Day 2017: British teas ranked from worst to best | Metro ...
metro.co.uk › Food › Food
It's National Tea Day, which is obviously a very serious and important day, not least because we have to argue about which biscuit is the perfect ...
When is National Tea Day and how do you make the perfect cup of tea ...
https://www.thesun.co.uk/living/3372357/national-tea-day-perfect-cup/8 hours ago - National Tea Day is the perfect excuse to put on a brew and savour its delights – and it's TODAY. National Tea Day lets brew-lovers celebrate ...