4月25:Oliver Cromwell,Ella Fitzgerald;Virginia Woolf: ; 聯合國《世界人權宣言》;Jane Jacobs: DNA的雙螺旋形結構;Wikitribune;李敖;江鵬堅
Ella Fitzgerald

我們特別為青少年編寫出版三十條聯合國《世界人權宣言》的簡略版。1. 我們天生自由而且平等。我們一生下來就有自由。我們都擁有自己的觀念和想法。我們應該被同等對待。2. 不要有差別待遇。不管我們的差異是什麼,這些權利是屬於每一個人的。3. 生存的權利。我們都有生存的權利,並且可以自由與安全的生活。4. 不要有奴隸制度。沒有人有任何權利把我們當奴隸。我們也不可以把任何人當成奴隸。5. 沒有折磨。沒有人有任何權利傷害我們或折磨我們。6. 不管到哪裡,你都有權利。我和你一樣都是人!7. 法律之前,人人平等。法律之前人人平等。法律必須公平對待我們所有的人。8. 你的人權受到法律的保護。當我們沒有受到公平對待時,我們可以要求法律的協助。9. 沒有不公平的拘留。如果沒有正當理由,沒有任何人有權利,把我們關到監獄裡拘留起來,或把我們驅逐出自己的國家。10. 審判的權利。如果我們被審判,則應該公開進行。不應該有任何人告訴審判,我們的人他們要怎麼做。11. 直到被證明有罪之前,我們都是清白的。除非有證明,否則任何人不應該被指責,要為某件事負責。當有人說我們做了壞事時,我們有權利去表明那不是真實的。12. 隱私的權利。沒有人可以試圖破壞我們的名聲。如果沒有正當的理由,沒有任何人有權利進入我們家裡、拆開我們的信件、干擾我們或我們的家人。13. 行動的自由。在我們自己的國家裡,我們都有權利到我們要去的地方,並且到我們想去的地方旅行。14. 尋求安全居所的權利。如果我們在自己的國家裡害怕被虐待,我們都有權利跑到另一個國家讓自己更安全。15. 有國籍的權利。我們都擁有權利,屬於某一個國家。- 1953年:美國生物學家沃森和克里克在《自然》雜誌上發表《核酸的分子結構:脫氧核糖核酸的結構》一文,首次提到DNA的雙螺旋形結構。
On this day in 1953, Cavendish Laboratory researchers Francis Crick and James Watson published a paper in Nature about their discovery of DNA's molecular structure. This discovery was aided by the work of Rosalind Franklin, Newnham College graduate and Kings College London researcher, whose use of X-ray Crystallography was key in revealing the helical nature of DNA.
Picture by Quentin Blake.
Oliver Cromwell
Born: April 25, 1599, Kingdom of England
Died: September 3, 1658, Palace of Whitehall, London
Oliver Cromwell was neither as austere nor as principled as portrayed in most textbooks. His refusal of the crown was both his greatest achievement and his biggest mistake
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
You cannot find peace by avoiding life.
A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.
【Simon 管理行為Administrative Behavior (諾貝爾經濟獎作品)】中提到S. Freud 有四處:最多是談到 organizational identification部分。
{無意識}( The Unconscious)的出自 Freud的【文集】(The Collected Papers),1925年,London: L and V WOOLF出版社。
奇怪的是,出版社的名稱非The Hogarth Press was a British publishing house founded in 1917 by Leonard Woolf and Virginia Woolf.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hogarth Press
Hogarth Press House, Richmond, Surrey.jpg
Status Owned by Random House
Founded 1917
Founder Leonard Woolf and Virginia Woolf
Successor Chatto & Windus
Country of origin United Kingdom
Headquarters location London
Publication types Books
Blue plaque
The Hogarth Press was a British
Ella Fitzgerald
Born: April 25, 1917, Newport News, Virginia, United States
Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong.
The only thing better than singing is more singing.
It isn't where you came from; it's where you're going that counts.

1,147,378 次觀看
The Guardian
pollo Theater. She was a 15-year-old street performer living rough at the time. She went on to become one of America’s most highly acclaimed music stars and changed the jazz world forever
- 2006年:簡·雅各布斯(Jane Jacobs),城市規劃評論家。(1916年出生)