

目前顯示的是 5月, 2018的文章

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes Day,

夏洛克·福爾摩斯的創造者阿瑟·柯南·道爾於1859年的今天在愛丁堡出生。 儘管道爾以這位偉大的偵探為主角,寫下了4本小說和56篇短篇故事,到了1893年時,他開始對自己的創造感到厭倦。但鮮為人知的是,道爾曾經迫不及待地期盼著福爾摩斯這個角色的終結。 「我寫了太多福爾摩斯,對他的感覺就像是我以前鵝肝醬吃多了一樣。」 世界上最「厭惡」福爾摩斯的人 1859年的今天,福爾摩斯的創造者阿瑟·柯南·道爾出生。儘管福爾摩斯擁有大量簇擁,但道爾卻迫不及待地想「殺死」他:讓福爾摩斯與死對頭莫裡亞蒂教授一道掉下瀑布。 CN.NYTIMES.COM Back Story Fox Photos/Hulton Archive, via Getty Images Sherlock Holmes is “the most famous fictional character of the past two centuries, rivaled only by Dracula and James Bond,” a reviewer for  The Times once argued . Even so, his creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, above, couldn’t wait to kill him off. Doyle was born in Edinburgh on this day in 1859 . Although Doyle wrote four novels and 56 short stories featuring the great detective and his companion, Dr. John Watson, by 1893 he had become bored of his creation. In “The Final Problem,” Doyle sent his protagonist plunging over the Reichenbach Falls with his archnemesis, Professor James Moriarty, seemingly t...